


The Italian Summer Students Program at Fermilab and other US Laboratories, 106 Congresso Nazionale SIF 2020, September 14 – 18 2020, by Simone Donati (University of Pisa)

FNAL Short Baseline Neutrino Program, XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, February 18-26, 2021, Padova, Italy, by Angela Fava (Fermilab)

Development of the Mu2e Electromagnetic Calorimeter Mechanical Structures, CPAD Instrumentation Conference, March 18-22, 2021, Stony Brook, NY, by Daniele Pasciuto (University of Pisa)

Mu2e TDAQ and Slow Control Systems, CPAD Instrumentation Conference, March 18-22, 2021, Stony Brook, NY, by Antonio Gioiosa (University of Pisa)

A SiPM for the Readout of the Fast Component of Barium Fluoride, CPAD Instrumentation Conference, March 18-22, 2021, Stony Brook, NY, by David Hitlin (California Institute of Technology)

Development of the Mu2e Electromagnetic Calorimeter Front-End and Readout Electronics, CPAD Instrumentation Conference, March 18-22, 2021, Stony Brook, NY, by Franco Spinella (INFN)

Mu2e DAQ and slow control systems, XXVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, 12-16-April 2021, Stony Brook, NY, by Antonio Gioiosa (INFN).

Development, production, quality control, and assembly procedures of the Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter mechanical structures, International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics, May 24-28, 2021 by Daniele Pasciuto (INFN).

Trigger-DAQ and slow control systems in the Mu2e experiment, International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics, May 24-28, 2021 by Antonio Gioiosa (INFN).

Data acquisition and slow control interface the Mu2e experiment, 22nd International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, June 27 – July 1, 2021 by Antonio Gioiosa (INFN).

Development, construction and tests of the Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter mechanical structures, 22nd International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, June 27 – July 1, 2021 by Daniele Pasciuto (INFN).

Development, construction and tests of the Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter mechanical structures, 22nd International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, June 27 – July 1, 2021 by Daniele Pasciuto (INFN).

The Italian Summer Students Program at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 2021 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF21), July 12-14, 2021, by Simone Donati (UNIPI).

Slow control and data acquisition software interfaces in the Mu2e experiment, 2021 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF21), July 12-14, 2021, by Antonio Gioiosa (INFN).

Design and studies for the Mu2e-II tracker , 2021 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF21), July 12-14, 2021, by Giovanni Francesco Tassielli (INFN).

Online DAQ and slw control inrterface for the Mu2e experiment, EPS-HEP Conference, July 26-31, 2021, by Antonio Gioiosa (INFN)

Status of the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab, EPS-HEP Conference, July 26-31, 2021, by Stefano Di Falco (INFN)

Design and construction status of the Mu2e crystal calorimeter, EPS-HEP Conference, July 26-31, 2021, by Eleonora Diociaiuti (INFN)

Involving the New Generations in Fermilab Endeavours, 54th FNAL Users Meeting, August 2-6, 2021, (Poster) by Simone Donati (UNIPI)

Slow Control and Data Acquisition Development in the Mu2e Experiment, 54th FNAL Users Meeting, August 2-6, 2021, (Poster) by Antonio Gioiosa (INFN)

Mu2e Event Display Development using the TEve Framework, 54th FNAL Users Meeting, August 2-6, 2021, (Poster) by Namitha Chitirasreemadam (UNIPI)

Mu2e Event Display Development using the TEve Framework, New Perspectives 2021, August 16-19, 2021, by Namitha Chitirasreemadam (UNIPI)

Design, Construction, Qualification and Assembly of the Mu2e Electromagnetic Calorimeter Mechanical Structures, New Perspectives 2021, August 16-19, 2021, by Daniele Pasciuto (INFN)

Mu2e Slow Control and Online DAQ Interface Development, New Perspectives 2021, August 16-19, 2021, by Antonio Gioiosa (INFN)

Involving the New Generations in Particle Physics Endeavours, Taup 2021, August 26 – September 3, 2021, Valencia (Spain), by Simone Donati (UNIPI)

The muon to electron conversion and the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab, PANIC 2021, September 5-10, 2021, Valencia (Spain), by Simone Donati (UNIPI)

Design and construction status of the Mu2e crystal calorimeter, PANIC 2021, September 5-10, 2021, Valencia (Spain), (Poster) by Fabio Happacher (INFN)

Slow control and data acquisition in the Mu2e experiment, PANIC 2021, September 5-10, 2021, Valencia (Spain), (Poster) by Antonio Gioiosa (INFN)

Development, construction and qualification tests of the mechanical structures of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab, PANIC 2021, September 5-10, 2021, Valencia (Spain), (Poster) by Daniele Pasciuto (INFN)

The readout electronics of the Mu2e Electromagnetic Calorimeter, PANIC 2021, September 5-10, 2021, Valencia (Spain), (Poster) by Luca Morescalchi (INFN)

Involving the new generations in Fermilab future endeavours, NuFact 2021, September 6-11, 2021, Cagliari (Italy), by Simone Donati (UNIPI)

Develpment, construction and qualification tests of the Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter mechanical structures, NuFact 2021, September 6-11, 2021, Cagliari (Italy), (Poster) by Daniele Pasciuto (INFN)

Slow control and data acquisition development of the Mu2e experiment, NuFact 2021, September 6-11, 2021, Cagliari (Italy), (Poster) by Antonio Gioisa (INFN)

The Mu2e Calrimeter, NuFact 2021, September 6-11, 2021, Cagliari (Italy), (Poster) by Eleonora Diociaiuti (INFN)

SBN and MicroBoone status and plans, NuFact 2021, September 6-11, 2021, Cagliari (Italy), by Maurizio Bonesini (INFN)

A possible ultimate goal: a Muon Collider Higgs Factory based at ESS, NuFact 2021, September 6-11, 2021, Cagliari (Italy), by Carlo Rubbia (INFN)

The new waveform digitizer (DIRAC-V2) for the Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter at Fermilab, TWEPP 2021, September 20-24, 2021, by Elena Pedreschi (INFN)

Design and qualification of the Mu2e electromagnetic radiation monitor system, TWEPP 2021, September 20-24, 2021, by Franco Spinella (INFN)

Involving the New Generations in Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Endeavours, Lepton Photon 2021, January 10-14, 2022, by Simone Donati (UNIPI)

Development, construction, qualification and assembly of the Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter mechanical structures and composite materials, Lepton Photon 2021, January 10-14, 2022, by Daniele Pasciuto (INFN)

Slow control and data acquisition interface in the Mu2e experiment, Lepton Photon 2021, January 10-14, 2022, (Poster) by Antonio Gioiosa


XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescope, February 18-26, 2021, (University and INFN Padova, Italy)

Mu2e-II Snowmass-2022 Workshop, April 28, 2021 (Fermilab)

Potential Fermilab Muon Campus & Storage Ring Experiments, May 24-27, 2021 (Fermilab)

Fermilab 2021 Summer Student School at INFN National Laboratory of Frascati, August 2-4, 2021 (INFN-LNF)

First Annual Workshop – INTENSE: Particle Physics Experiments at the High Intensity Frontier, February 2-4, 2022 (Pisa)

KickOff Meeting – PROBES, March 21, 2022 (Pisa)